Research Tools Sites to Help You Put Your Information Literacy Skills to the Test
Search Engines Tired of Google? Use these alternative search engines to help you find the answers to your questions.
Copyright Friendly Images These sites contain images that are in the public domain and can be used by the general public for free.
Copyright Friendly Music and Sounds These sites contain music and sounds that you can use in presentations without infringing on copyright laws.
Plagiarism Checker Run your writing through a free plagiarism checker to ensure you have not used someone else's ideas as your own.
Citation Create a Bibliography or Works Cited page using these tools
Presentation Tools Tired of Powerpoint? Use these presentation tools to create interesting and engaging presentations. Remember to always back up your work by saving it to a flash drive or uploading it to Google Drive!
Creative Writing/ELA
Digital Storytelling Feeling creative? Use a digital storytelling tool to write, illustrate, and bring a short story to life.
Coming Soon!
Social Studies
Coming Soon!
Coding/3D Design/Technology
Coming Soon!
Just for Fun Check out these sites when you're looking for something fun & productive to do.
Avatar Makers Use these sites to create avatars to use as your profile picture.